The seeds of
holistic health


How are you feeling? A little out of balance? Or maybe your health isn’t going exactly as you expected it to, even though you’re reading blogs and trying all the given recommendations. I truly understand because I was like you!

For years I dealt with chronic, painful, itchy hives and nothing I tried made them stop returning. I saw a slew of doctors and tried countless creams, but nothing worked. It wasn’t until I discovered holistic healing that I understood my body’s triggers, started to feel better, and my hives left for good. I began my training as an Integrative Healer in 2011, and that’s when the seeds of Spiral Heart Healing were planted. Not only did I understand how to control the hives, I resolved many other body ailments like weight gain, high cholesterol, pre-diabetes, slow digestion, chronic inflammation, mind-induced stress, and so much more.

Through scientific and intuitive systems, I can help heal your body, mind, and spirit, giving you a more balanced state of health. I’m Tracy (Lakshmi) Cunningham, and I can’t wait to guide you to the healthier life that you deserve! You’ve come to the right place.


Offering three ways for
you to connect to you

My intuitive skills, along with my 8+ years of training, help me read deep into the conversations with my clients in order to find customized and effective solutions. Together, we can help find the right fix for your holistic health needs.



There are a plethora of food-medicines, flowers, herbs, and spices, that you can grow right in your own garden if so inspired. I call this the GODDESS GARDEN, planted with eco-awareness and sensitivity, and laden with the love of all the living creatures that visit. I can teach you how to grow and use the medicinal plants that favor a Mediterranean climate. Or I can show you how to start your own pollinator garden. Take a tour of the area that inspires me every day!



Have you ever seen foods or seasons that seem to affect your friend one way, but your body acts in a different, unexplainable way? Work with me and we’ll explore the foods and recipes that are truly working with your unique body. Let’s have some fun in the kitchen!


ladies’ night
home spa

Want to know how to use roses straight from the garden to cool your body and replenish your skin? Or curious how to use the scent of a flower to create a calming and meditative space? Let’s create a healing, relaxing spa night in a home setting where you and your friends can relax and enjoy learning nourishing, all-natural, chemical-free beauty recipes. I bring the goodies, you supply the home.
