A combination of clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing), and mediumship (channeling) creates a coherent dream-like story that gives the perfect metaphors and symbols needed for the message and answers you’re seeking. To further deepen the message and its place in your healing journey, I use Advaita Vedanta wisdom learned with Indian teacher Acharya Shunya,

This system enhances the story/message you are given with concepts of dharma (ethics, goals, and soul mission), kama (pleasure and happiness), artha (security and finances), and moksha (freedom). We explore the possible steps to take to move you towards a path that can lead to your own inner peace and happiness.


The Monarch takes you on a full intuitive session, including time to talk about possible meanings afterwards. If you are an existing client and you would like a just a message without exploration time, please email me to schedule The Chrysalis.

A single 50-60 min session which includes:

○ A 20-30 min intuitive counseling session/dreamscape reading

○ Additional guidance time for reading interpretation and possible additional questions

This option is for existing clients only and includes:

○ A 20-30 min intuitive counseling session/dreamscape reading

Please contact me to inquire about details and availability. This is for your story only with no interpretation/question time.



This practice has a 48-hour cancellation policy. Please call to reschedule if missed.

Policies and disclaimers can be found here.

You can also email me to set up a free 15-minute consultation to discuss which package may be right for you.


I am thrilled when someone opens themselves up to a new world of healing! I am open to payment plans or possible reduced rates if you are truly in need. Email me to see if we can work out a plan.